For this part, I use the tool that someone who built it last to select the points. I selected around 40 points for each image. Here are the triangulation results:
Here are my steps to compute the mid-way of two people:
For this part, I setup a range of weights in [0, 1] and I created a morph sequence 45 frames, with duration of 30 ms per frame.
For this part, I use the iamges from FEI database which is part one that contains images of 200 individuals taken at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of FEI in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil.
I seperated the iamges as neutral and smiling. I used the both images to compute the mean face of the population. Also, besides the original points that are provided, I added some more points to make the result better.
Here are some examples of the face that I use to compute the mean face:
Here are the steps to compute the mean face of a population:
Here is my face warped into the average geometry, and the average face warped into my face’s geometry.
Here, the formula I used is: avg_img + apha * (my_img - avg_img), where apha is 1.5